Posts in category network

How to stop the onion denial (of service)

by asn | August 18, 2020

As you might have heard, some onion services have been experiencing issues with denial-of-service (DoS) attacks over the past few years. In this post, we would like to present you with two options that we believe can provide a long-term defense to the problem while maintaining the usability and security of onion services.

Tor’s Bug Smash Fund: Progress Since January 2020

by alsmith | July 17, 2020

At the beginning of August 2019, we asked you to help us build our very first Bug Smash Fund. This fund will ensure that the Tor Project has a healthy reserve earmarked for maintenance work and smashing the bugs necessary to keep Tor Browser, the Tor network, and the many tools that rely on Tor strong, safe, and running smoothly. We want to share a final update on the work the 2019 Bug Smash Fund made possible.

How Bandwidth Scanners Monitor The Tor Network

by juga | April 11, 2019

The Tor network is comprised of thousands of volunteer-run relays around the world, and millions of people rely on it for privacy and freedom online everyday. To monitor the Tor network's performance, detect attacks on it, and better distribute load across the network, we employ what we call Tor bandwidth scanners.